Author Archives: Anthony Hutton

MDes project titles (Draft 10 04/10/11 now with Postcards from the begining)

Name: Project title: Its a: For

with Postcards from the begining of the project. (a postcard from the begining is a first visual response to the project)

Naoise Boyle: Artist Showcase: Book: Other artists
Catrina Graffin: Disability through the eyes of a child: Book: Disabled children/ parents/ professional carers
Katie Milburn: City Hope: Poster series: Women
Can: Increasing participation in the Arts: Booklet/Poster series: Graduates/Proffessionals
John Gilchrist: Ethics/Animal welfare: Animation; Hunters
Clodagh: An illustrated guide to being a modern woman: Postcard series: Women age 25/35
Andrea: Irelands hidden treasure: Brochure: Tourists
Una Gallagher: Steam punk: Animated movie: 15-30yr oldsunapostcard-from-the-beginning.jpgShirley Boyle: Cities: Soundscape: Anybody (also bogs here)
Donna Quinn: Evolution: Book: Adult readersdonna-quinn-postcard_jpg-fo.jpg
Simon : The robot who teaches sign language: Animation: Childrensimon2.jpg

Joanne Maguire:

Des310 Interaction Design: Assign 1

Assignment 1 (5%) Due on 06/10/11

  1. Make a movie (using your phone)
  2. Upload it to youtube
  3. Join twitter
  4. send me a tweet with the url of your movie

The reason I am asking you to do this is because in the rest of this module we will need to be able to make and publish short movies.

Interesting little movies….including one of being stuck in a lift- yikes.

Number the pages.

When you start a design project – any project, be aware of the process itself. A simple but effective way of doing this is to number the pages. Number and date all the pages (no matter what format, including backs of beermats).

This simple act will help you figure out:

  • Did I already think of this?
  • Keeping page numbers is such an orderly thing to do that it will occur to you that writing a design brief is essential.
  • What progress have I made over a period of time?
  • How long have I been working on this idea?
  • What do I need to do next? How long will that take?
  • How have my ideas changed over a period of time?
  • When did I have the pivotal sketch-thought that defines this project?

If you don’t number and date your sketches you might:

  • Waste time by re working over stuff you have already done: again and again.
  • Not write a design brief.
  • Lose track of your own progress.
  • Not know what you were doing the last time you worked on the project and forget what you need to do next.
  • Not be able to calculate how long the project will take to finish.
  • Forget how your ideas have changed over time.
  • Not being conscious of the break through moment

Des310 Interaction Design: Quick guide for 2011 class

Here is the content of this module in one handy blog post:

Super quick and easy Guide to Interaction Design Method:

  1. Observe the situation
  2. Record the situation: – Film, Storyboard, Flowchart, Txt narrative, Characterise
  3. Use the recording as a model
  4. Change the variables! Experiment!
  5. Observer results, search for design opportunities, write a design brief
  6. Execute the brief

In point 6, here are some further guidelines (found on web, ref needed)

6a. Talk to the users/customer

6b. Orientate the user

·         Where am I

·         How did I get here

·         Where can I go from here

6c. Simpler is better (or is that..less is more, more is not less, less is a bore)

6d. Build a dialogue (avoid conversation stoppers)

6e. Understand the workflow (or process)

6f. Understand the media/technology/materials

Thats it folks: – so now you dont need to attend any of the classes (joke).

MDes project titles (Draft 10 04/10/11)

Name Project title Its a: For
Naoise Boyle Artist Showcase Book Other artists
Cathriona Gaffin Disability through the eyes of a child Book Women
Katia Mulhern City Hope Poster series Disabled children/ parents/ professional carers
Can Increasing participation in the Arts Booklet/Poster Graduates/ Professionals
John Gilchrist Ethics/Animal welfare Animation Hunters
Clodagh An illustrated guide to being a modern woman Postcard series Women age 25/35
Andrea Irelands hidden treasure Brochure Tourists
Una Gallagher Steam punk Animated movie 15-30yr olds
Shirley Boyle Cities Soundscape Anybody
Donna Quinn Evolution Book Adult readers
Simon The robot who teaches sign language Animation Children

Three ways of looking at your project

These assignments are intended to test and extend your design project idea and to lead to a well written design brief.

Having agreed the notional “title of the project” please create three powerpoint presentations:

  1. Users/customers                      (who)
  2. Technology/media                   (what)
  3. Time and place                        (where, when)

1. About the users/viewers/readers:

How many users are there?

What age are they?

What else do they use/read/view?

How did they manage without your new design?

What are they interested in?

What are they trying to achieve?

How many times per day will the user use the object?


Are the users different from the customers?

A customer is someone who gives you money for something?

How much will your customer give you for solving this design problem?

Who else could solve the problem?

What will the customer get in return for his/her investment?


2. Technology/Media/Manufacture

What are the technical options for making/delivering your design?

Which option will make the most money?

Which option will cost the most to make/deliver?

What technology/media/manufacture does the competitor/alternative use?

3. Time and place

Where will your design entity be used?

At what time?

For how long?

How could you change the place that the entity is being used in?

How could you change the time that the entity is being used?

How could you extend the time that the entity is being used for?

Note: The ppt are design presentation in themselves. Here are some good ones from last year

also see