DES106 Intro to Design

This area of the site deals with part (a third) of the DES106 module Introduction to Design. This part of the module introduces 3d Form Design.

An important part of working with 3D is drawing. It is necessary to be able to deal with sizes and relative volumes and to quickly be able to construct a persepctive drawing.

Here are some basic warm up exercises.

1. On A3 paper. Draw a 100mm straight line. Do not use a ruler. Measure it when you have it done. Write the dimension down. Put the ruler away. Draw it again.

2. Draw a 100mm square. Do not use a ruler. Measure it when you have it done. Is it square? Draw it again.

3. Draw a 100mm cube in perspective from above. Is the perspective realistic?


4. Draw another 100mm cube. Cross the squares. Draw in a 50mm circle in perspective on each side. What is the differeence between a circle in perspective and an elipse?

5. Draw another 100mm cube. Cross the squares. Make diamonds. Join the dots to construct a diamond square in perspective.


6. Draw a 100mm square. Attach another square onto it to make a 100mm x 100 x 200 rectangle.


7. Create the shapes above using 100mm squares

8. Apply the shapes to the double cube as per above.

9. “Loft” the form and produce 3 clean line drawings in perspective this way up and upside down and sideways facing up. Also produce a “plan view”.

10. There are lots of different ways to “loft” the form. Try to find an interesting way. Here is a “vanilla” soloution.
