Project/Assignment plan for DES802


The objective of this assignment is to observe an experience and build a model of an experience. When the model is built we will change aspects of the experience to more fully explore its qualities and variables. In the course of this exploration we will look for problems and design opportunities. 

Experience context

The project will be based around Currys Electrical Retail Store

Task 1 – Observation

Go to Curry’s and observe what happens there. Note your observations and report.

Due date: 08/02/07 (wk2)

Task 2 – What kind of model?

Investigate different ways of building models of experience. Storyboards, Video, Play writing, recording, photography, animations

How do Screenplay authors convert novels into movies?

What writing styles do play writers use to describe experience qualities that are not script?

Look at the Starwars Trilogy storyboards.

Report to class.

Due date: 15/02/07 (wk3)

Task 3 – Re observe

Go to Currys again and re-observe knowing that you are going to build a model using one or other of the recording methods outlined above. Report to class.

Due date: 22/02/07 (wk4)

Task 4 – Model first draft

Present your model

Due date: 22/02/07 (wk4)

Task 5 – Model second draft

Upgrade your model and re-present

Due date: 01/03/07 (wk5)

Task 6 – The role of drama, status and powerplays.

The individuals in the model have status. Sometimes the shop assistant is all knowing and has a high assumed status. In other cases the assistant’s status is low. How do shifts in the status affect the model.

Participate in drama exploration with Yr 1 Drama students

Due date: 01/03/07 (wk5)

Task 7 – De brief regarding drama class

Discussion on effectiveness of drama class exploration. Report to class.

Due date: 08/03/07 (wk6)

Task 8 Model update

Show update of model

Due date: 15/03/07 (wk7)

Task 9 – Model hand in

Present final cut of model

Due date: 22/03/07 (wk8) 

Task 10 – Design opportunity hunting

Each student shall be allocated two models and asked to present design opportunities / ideas

Due date: 29/03/07 (wk9)

Task 11 – Development of Design briefs

Convert the opportunity indicators into design recommendations and develop design briefs.

Due date: 19/04/07 (wk9)

Task 12 – Concept exploration

Carry out initial exploration of found opportunities and test the concepts against the original models.

Due date: 04/05/07 (wk12)