Special Notice: LFYC Race Officer

For many years George D has been the LFYC Race Officer. The main duty of the Race Officer is to make out the annual LFYC race schedule. We normally have about 62 race days per year. The race schedule is the start point from which we build the club and all of our sailing activity.

Scheduling is a tricky task involving an understanding of the river,  the tides and the port, interweaving regatta events, training days and the fine art of conjuring in terms of scheduling the OD and rescue cover.

At the last club mtg George D mentioned that he would like to step down as Race Officer this year. Many thanks to George D for his excellent service to the club with regard to this important task.

I am delighted to announce the Keith L has kindly offered to take over as Race Officer. Suggestions, appeals etc regarding scheduling matters here forward should be addressed directly to Keith.


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