Results 06/09/14

Series J        
Ken L/Davy L 1 3327 1 2389
Alan T/Cecil T 3 3543 2 2464
Bill J/James J 4 3555 4 2536
Anton H/Barry N 2 3386 3 2516
Jack H (Laser) 5 3553 6 2647
Kevin T 6 3676 5 2614
Colum F/Daughter NR      
George G NR      

Nice wind F3 or 4 changed direction from West to North between race 1 and race 2. Great to see Jack H out in the Laser and going well. Also great to see club Secretary Colum F and his daughter out for a scoot. There were some insects inside Colum’s boat which I dont think his daughter particularly apprecaited. I seen Colum casually evicting a slug. Lucky his Daughter didnt see that, oh doh, shouldnt have said that.
First race from the perch to Harts, Conniborrow, Faughan and the Power Station.
Second race from the Perch to Faughan, Muff, Power Station.
Anton H and Barry N gave their GP14 a wash on teh start line at the begining of race 2: stylish

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