Hot toddy event

Hot Toddy          
01/11/14   Race 1   Race 2 overall
Ken L/Davy L 3 1059 1 1288 1
Kevin L/James L 2 1042 2 1314 2
Gareth G/Richard G 1 1029 5 1348 3
Bill J/ James J 5 1192 3 1330 4
Alan T/Owen McC 4 1104 4 1346 5
Anton H/Barry McN 6 1214 6 1374 6

Another great George Doherty hot toddy event. Sailing in Culmore bay, starting at the perch up to harts, down to a mark opposite George G house then over the double bouy at the power station twice round. Kevin and James L sailed very well especially after not being out much this year.

It was windy today with strong gusts. Two capsizes. In race one Bill and James J went over and recovered quickly. In race 2 Anton H and Barry McN took a swim but the boat went partially turtle and took a bit of extra effort to get her back up.
All good crack and it made the hot whiskey even more welcome.

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